Saturday, November 9, 2013

Choosing a Data Type for Keys (Identity, Sequence object, Nonsequential GUI, Sequential GUI)

The typical options people use to generate key columns are:
  • The identity column property A property that automatically generates keys in an attribute of a numeric type with a scale of 0; namely, any integer type (TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT) or NUMERIC/DECIMAL with a scale of 0.
  • The sequence object An independent object in the database from which you can obtain new sequence values. Like identity, it supports any numeric type with a scale of 0. Unlike identity, it’s not tied to a particular column; instead, as mentioned, it is an independent object in the database. You can also request a new value from a sequence object before using it.
  • Nonsequential GUI Ds You can generate nonsequential global unique identifiers to  be stored in an attribute of a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER type. You can use the T-SQL function NEWID to generate a new GUID, possibly invoking it with a default expression attached to the column. You can also generate one from anywhere—for example, the client  by using an application programming interface (API) that generates a new GUID. The GUIDs are guaranteed to be unique across space and time.
  • Sequential GUI Ds You can generate sequential GUIDs within the machine by using the T-SQL function NEWSEQUENTIALID.
  • Custom solutions If you do not want to use the built-in tools that SQL Server provides to generate keys, you need to develop your own custom solution. The data type for the key then depends on your solution.

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