Saturday, May 16, 2020

How to get SSH key in WinSCP

Once you connect to the SFTP server, go to session and click on Server/Protocol Information


Monday, May 4, 2020

Wine Quality data analytics using Databricks

Data can be downloaded from here

In the preview data, use “First row is header” to identify the column name & “ Infer Schema” to automatically identify the data types.

The table will be created in Default database

Let’s crate a new database and load data into the table

Create a SQL Notebook and Import that downloaded data.

Some sample useful SQL commands

You can change to plot view

Using Python Notebook

Create a data frame and load the data from the table

Some common useful Python commands

Save the results as another table

Cleaning Data

Handling NULL value

Remove extreme values or outliers

Machine Learning

Create multiple charts and dashboards
