Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Linux basic command collection from YouTube videos

These days, knowing Linux commands is inevitable to learn big data tools. Here I am sharing useful basic Linux commands and some basic stuffs which were taken from YouTube tutorials.
20 Important Linux commands in a nutshell:
Moving page by page or row by row
To get help : man ls = ls –help
Delete file recursively and forcefully
Cat command is read or concatenate files
Nano command is used for Edit text
Ctrl + x -> Exit
Mv used for rename the file as well
File format no matter in Linux 1.txt and 1 are same in Linux
To find / search the file

Remove Directory : sudo rm -r DirectryName

Print or echo command :
The following image shows the echo command used to display JAVA_HOME environmental variable

Download and Unzip files:
The following example show how to download Hadoop and Unzip

Copy file content to another file:
you can use cp command to copy data or content from one file to another
In this example shows how to get copy content from template file in Hadoop

Give permission to all sub folders:
The following example shows that how to grant permission to all subfolder

Change to Root
[1]The user account added during installation is set an administrative account with Sudo, so it's easy to get root account's shell like follows.
sudo -s 

[sudo] password for trusty:
# own password

# switched
[2]Or it's possible to switch to root account with su command to set root account's password.
sudo passwd root 

[sudo] password for trusty:
# own password

Enter new UNIX password:
# set root password

Retype new UNIX password:
# confirm

passwd: password updated successfully
su - 

# input root password

# switched
How to locate directry
locate '*/data'
How to quickly create a file without a context
touch file1.txt
touch file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.txt
Main directories and its purpose
The standard Ubuntu directory structure mostly follows the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, which can be referred to for more detailed information.
Here, only the most important directories in the system will be presented.
/bin is a place for most commonly used terminal commands, like ls, mount, rm, etc.
/boot contains files needed to start up the system, including the Linux kernel, a RAM disk image and bootloader configuration files.
/dev contains all device files, which are not regular files but instead refer to various hardware devices on the system, including hard drives.
/etc contains system-global configuration files, which affect the system's behavior for all users.
/home home sweet home, this is the place for users' home directories.
/lib contains very important dynamic libraries and kernel modules
/media is intended as a mount point for external devices, such as hard drives or removable media (floppies, CDs, DVDs).
/mnt is also a place for mount points, but dedicated specifically to "temporarily mounted" devices, such as network filesystems.
/opt can be used to store additional software for your system, which is not handled by the package manager.
/proc is a virtual filesystem that provides a mechanism for kernel to send information to processes.
/root is the superuser's home directory, not in /home/ to allow for booting the system even if /home/ is not available.
/run is a tmpfs (temporary file system) available early in the boot process where ephemeral run-time data is stored. Files under this directory are removed or truncated at the beginning of the boot process. 
(It deprecates various legacy locations such as /var/run, /var/lock, /lib/init/rw in otherwise non-ephemeral directory trees as well as/dev/.* and /dev/shm  which are not device files.)
/sbin contains important administrative commands that should generally only be employed by the superuser.
/srv can contain data directories of services such as HTTP (/srv/www/) or FTP.
/sys is a virtual filesystem that can be accessed to set or obtain information about the kernel's view of the system.
/tmp is a place for temporary files used by applications.
/usr contains the majority of user utilities and applications, and partly replicates the root directory structure, containing for instance, among others,/usr/bin/ and /usr/lib.
/var is dedicated to variable data, such as logs, databases, websites, and temporary spool (e-mail etc.) files that persist from one boot to the next. A notable directory it contains is /var/log where system log files are kept.


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