Saturday, February 6, 2016

How to import XML Data using XML Source in SSIS

The XML source is a powerful SSIS source that can use a local or remote (via HTTP or UNC) XML file as the source. This source component is a bit different from the OLE DB Source in its configuration.

In the below example, I am using sample "purchase order" and "customers and orders" XML files which can be downloaded from the MSDN site: and You can generate XSD file using XML source component.
In this XML file you can noticed that, four level or nodes available.
XML source automatically identify and display the Nodes and its value and attributes.
Each tabular set can be loaded individually into its own table.  Thus, we actually can add multiple any kind of destinations, and split the data flow accordingly.



  1. When you are making an Extensible Markup Language or XML file, there are a variety of things that you will need to do
    in order to assure yourself that you are generating and developing a functional file.
    You Can see more in : xml file

  2. I think XML is the most useful component and also plays a vital role in SSIS operations and hence there is a need to look for more of such operations.

    SSIS Postgresql Write
